In Luxembourg we toured the American Cemetery and the Beaufort Castle in Viaden. For the first two days there, they had a downpour of rain lasting all day.
At the American Cemetery in Luxembourg
Luxembourg American Cemetery
General Patton's burial site. In the background is the chapel.
Inside the chapel.
Every cross is lined up any way you look at it. The grass is like a golf course. This to honor our heroes.
Every cross identifies the hero buried there.
Some missing were never recovered.
Beaufort Castle in Viaden, Luxembourg.
Going into the castle for a tour.
All castles have armored guards.
The Kitchen.
Schoolkids getting a tour of the castle. Note they did not need mask in Luxembourg.
The Kings bedroom.
We leave the castle.
It is raining hard as we leave the city of Viaden. They received 18" and the next day the city had to be evacuated.