In 2021 my daughter Susan and Dad went to Germany to research great-great-grandfather Jacob Schutz. We first went to visit the Cathedral that he helped build before he died in 1862. The next morning we went to Bedburg which was his families home town. In the afternoon we had a guided tour of the Cologne Cathedral.
Catching the high speed train to Cologne.
We arrive at Cologne Germany and first go to the Cologne Cathedral.
The church at Bedburg where my great-great-grandfathers family lived.
Inside the church at Bedburg.The original church was torn down in 1900 and rebuilt.
Susan and our tour guide Olga.
The stations of the Cross were paintings.
The Bedburg Cemetery. Germany requires payment every 30 years or the gravesite is destroyed.
Susan at the Bedburg Cemetery. There was no grave of our Grandfather Schutz.
Cologne Cathedral
Inside the Cologne Cathedral.
All windows were removed during WWII before Cologne was bombed.
Photos of the bombing around the Cathedral.
Caskets in gold are said to contain the 3 wise men that came to Jesus's birthplace in Bethlehem.